About vegetable gardening and food
Both the novice vegetable gardener and the experienced gardener can learn something from About vegetable gardening and food. An informative, practical and fun book for connoisseurs and enthusiasts.
- Find out what type of vegetable gardener you are
- Play the cultivation group game
- Test your vegetable garden knowledge
Topics such as crop rotation, night frost, icewort, root fork, herbalist, F1 hybrid, garden butler, breeding tubers, robot vegetable garden, seed library and cabbage white are covered in this book
About vegetable gardening and food offers a daily portion of information. This book provides many examples, impressions, cultivation data, new developments and old values to cherish.
Author Hans van Eekelen is the driving force behind 'groenmoes', an initiative that inspires people to be actively involved in healthy food.
Size : 384 pages | Binding : Hardcover | Version : full colour