Mindful with Happinez Special - 2024
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This special edition of Happinez is all about mindfulness. Being attentive in the now, consciously considering what you do, what you experience, observe, taste, smell, hear; We can all imagine it, but actually doing it is another matter.
The fact that mindfulness has had such an impact worldwide since its inception more than 50 years ago proves how effective and positive it is for body and mind. In this Happinez Special we delve deeper into the matter. Various teachers, masters and professors, each with their own expertise, share their vision. With exercises to achieve a calm head, calm body and happy life.
With, inter alia:
- Mindful at any age
- In the spotlight: the raisin
- More than 10 mindfulness experts
- Founder John Kabat-Zinn
- 12 exercises for ultimate relaxation