Own professional website
in collaboration with Rogier Mostert
Training Own professional website
Content of this training
Why is a good website so important? In this introductory session we will discuss this and you will get to know us with the expert. We also discuss the relevance of this training for coaches who already have a website.
Who views your website? And why is that important information for what your website looks like? Your target group is always decisive, also for your website.
A good website has several important elements. These will be discussed in detail in this session. You can do this using a few steps and an assignment get started right away.
You can build your website yourself or have it done. Whatever you choose: in this session you will find the information you need.
Now that you have a website, you also want to know how it performs. Fortunately, there are several tools that can help you with this. In You will learn more about it in this session.
Search engines are our best friends. If we don't know something, we Google, Yahoo or binge it. Of course you also want to be easy to find. To help you get started, this session focuses on (findability on) search engines.
When visitors come to your site, you naturally want something from them. This session is about how to entice them to do so.
In principle, a website is never finished. It is important to keep an eye on how well your site is functioning and where you can make any changes. In this final session you will discover how to approach this.
Everything you need to create your own website
- Set up a website
- Increase your findability
- Analyze functionality
- Setting up and analyzing your online business card