High sensitivity as a strength
Exclusive podcast 'HSP talk' with high sensitivity expert Esther Bergsma
Training High sensitivity as a strength
Content of this online training about high sensitivity
Expert Elke van Hoof explains in a video what HSP is and what advantages and disadvantages it has if you are highly sensitive. You then map your own sensitivity and find recognition in the stories and advice of other HSPs.
In this session you will learn more about the characteristics of highly sensitive people. You discover how you feel about your high sensitivity, what it means in your relationships with others and how you can get the most out of this characteristic.
Due to the increased sensitivity to stimuli, an HSP needs more rest than average; sufficient time to process and recover all incoming information. Discover what your recovery time is and learn in this session how to best use downtime.
You don't become highly sensitive, it is a character trait you have had all your life. In this session you will see what influence high sensitivity has had on you as a baby, child, teenager and young adult. Was it recognized or were you dismissed as difficult or shy? Finally, you will receive tools to be kind to yourself - especially after this session.
In this session you will look at your family members in the light of high sensitivity. This can lead to greater understanding of each other. Especially if you can talk about it with each other.
You will look at how overstimulated you have been lately and what the causes were. Insight into your patterns will ultimately ensure that you gain more control over the stimuli and can prevent it from becoming too much for you. This allows you to use your sensitivity more as a strength.
Everyone experiences positive and negative experiences in life, but both types of experiences have more impact on HSPs. HSPs who have had unpleasant experiences as children can become extra sensitive to stress, rejection and criticism. In this session you will explore your sensitivity to rejection and learn ways to deal with it.
HSPs who keep a grip on their overstimulation experience their sensitivity much more positively than HSPs who often feel overwhelmed by all the impressions. The first group of people mainly reap the benefits of high sensitivity. What is their secret?
Many sensitive people spend much of their lives thinking that there is something wrong with them. That's why it's time to take a closer look at your self-image. Research shows that the way you perceive your own sensitivity largely determines how you function. In this session you will learn how to accept your sensitivity and bring the focus back to its positive aspects.
Relationships and social contacts can be quite difficult for an HSP. You desperately want to connect with others, but it can quickly become too much. If the people around you are in trouble, you are probably more of a lifeline than a lighthouse. In this session you will learn how to take better care of yourself and others.
You don't have to go at a pace that is not healthy for you. In fact, that is very unwise. Time to learn to respect your boundaries.
In this session the time has come to look back. What have you achieved and what things do you still want to learn? You then conclude the training with your personal rescue kit.
Setting boundaries and expressing other needs as an HSP
- What role high sensitivity plays in your life
- How you can flourish as an HSP
- A positive(er) view of your own high sensitivity
- How to keep relationships in balance and guard your boundaries
- Insight into overstimulation with tips on how to get a grip on it
- Practice de-stimulation through 'de-stimulation breaks'
Why this training?
We are flooded by a gigantic stream of stimuli all day long. An endless download of information that never stops. Sometimes there is not enough space in our heads to process all the impressions and things that life asks of you. The result: overstimulation.
It varies from person to person which stimuli you perceive to what extent. Especially those who are (highly) sensitive notice stimuli more quickly and find it more difficult to close themselves off to them.
In this online training you will learn how, as an HSP, you can learn to respect your own boundaries, take time for rest and recovery and how to listen better to your needs, so that you too can reap the benefits of your high sensitivity and focus on different areas in your daily life can function better.
Renewed highly sensitive special
In this special edition of Psychology Magazine you will find the latest insights from psychology about high sensitivity. With practical tips and exercises to guard your boundaries, rest and flourish at work. Including: 7 ways to develop, exercises in self-acceptance and coming out of an HSP.