Increase your self-confidence
In collaboration with psychologists Frederike Mewe and Fred Sterk
Can be followed wherever and whenever you want, at your own pace
Bonus video masterclass 'Overcoming the imposter syndrome'
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Contents of this online training
You will receive a short introduction, discover how you can get the most out of the training and meet the experts of this training: GZ psychologist Fred Sterk and Psychologist Frederike Mewe.
Step 1: What is self-confidence?
In this first step you will investigate what self-confidence is and how high your self-confidence is at the moment. You will also determine what you want to achieve with this training.
Step 2: Become aware of your inner critic
In the second step you discover which words and phrases your inner critic uses to criticize you, so that you become aware of the presence of your inner critic.
Step 3: Tame your inner critic and meet your inner mentor
During the third step you learn how to tame your inner critic, in order to break free from the one who keeps you small and tight. You will also discover ways to speak to yourself more kindly and mildly; you meet your inner mentor.
Step 4: Discover your strengths
In this fourth step we discuss your energy providers, qualities and successes and you learn that you can and can be proud of them.
Step 5: Get closer to your goals
In step five you reflect on everything you have already achieved and focus again on the goals for the training. You celebrate your successes and at the same time look ahead to everything you still want to learn and develop.
Step 6: Make yourself less small
In the sixth step you discover why women often make themselves smaller than necessary and what this way of thinking costs you. You will also discover ways in which you can change your attitude towards yourself and experience what this does for your self-confidence.
Step 7: Rather be for yourself
In this step we will look at how you can be a little kinder to yourself. How you can take better care of yourself, so to speak, and that is also about how you think about yourself.
Step 8: Determine your course
Self-confidence means that you trust yourself, that you chart your own course. In step eight you learn what you want and what you don't want by gaining insight into your personal values. You will also learn how to guard your own boundaries and communicate clearly about them.
Step 9: Lasting impact
In this last step you will receive tools and tips to really retain what you have learned after the training. You will also look back on what this training has brought you and you will be challenged to work on increasing your self-confidence after the training.
Become more confident in 9 steps
This is what you will learn:
- Why women more often suffer from a negative self-image
- How to tame your inner critic and give your inner counselor a platform
- What your unique strengths and qualities are
- How to celebrate your successes instead of dismissing them
- How to overcome imposter syndrome
- Rather be for yourself
- How to maintain that self-confidence, even after training