Reduce your pain
Educational videos from healthcare psychologist Annemarieke Fleming
Training Reduce your pain - with help from your brain
Content of this online training about pain
You will receive a short introduction, discover how to get the most out of the training and you will meet the expert of this training: healthcare psychologist Annemarieke Fleming.
How is it possible that you have persistent pain in your shoulder, hip or knee, while there is nothing there? You're not crazy, are you? Or is it all in your head?
You are certainly not crazy, and it could indeed be in your head - but in a completely different way than you think now. In this session you will receive an explanation about the role of the brain in the development of pain. And that offers a completely new view on chronic pain complaints.
In this second session you will receive more information about how your body and brain work. The more you understand how the different systems in your body are intertwined, the more tools you have at your disposal to make those systems function better.
In this third session you will start working on recovery. Because as you discovered in the previous session: it could probably be a little less, with that action or survival mode. And the rest and recovery mode should be given a little more space.
Those who suffer from (chronic) pain often become more afraid of heavy shopping bags, long walks or weights in the gym. Avoidance – that is our natural response to pain. This is smart in acute pain, but in chronic pain all this avoidance can become a problem. Your condition will deteriorate rapidly if you do not use your back at all. That is why in this session you will work with the responsible method 'Gradual build-up of activity'.
In this final session you will work towards better pain management in the future. What can help is to understand the role of 'thought viruses' and any bad memories. Because they have also contributed to the ingrained pain pathways in your brain. If you want to walk new, pain-free paths, it is important to get started with those thoughts and memories.
Reduce chronic pain with the help of your brain
- What happens in the brain during persistent pain complaints or chronic pain
- How to better manage your pain using practical tools
- Finding a balance between energy givers and energy takers
- How to bring more peace and relaxation into your life
- Build activities in a responsible manner
- Despite chronic pain, seeing possibilities and opportunities (again).