Fear to courage
In collaboration with anthropologist Roanne van Voorst
Can be followed wherever and whenever you want, at your own pace
Training From fear to courage
Contents of this online training
We often know that not all our fears are equally rational, but that does not make the anxious feeling any less intense. In this session you will discover how this works in your body.
You can divide fear into two groups: concrete fears and general fears. In this session, expert Roanne van Voorst talks about the different types of fears we can experience.
Even the bravest people in the world get scared sometimes, they just know how to deal with it. In this session you will learn why confronting your fear can sometimes be counterproductive. And what does work.
To gain more courage, always seek out a mild degree of tension, but no more than that. In this session the expert explains exactly how this works.
If you want to develop more courage, it is best to sit somewhere between panic and boredom. But how do you find such situations? In this session you will create a brave goals list, with actions that will increase your self-confidence.
Even though you know rationally that you are not in any real danger, your body sometimes thinks differently. Conjuring up soothing thoughts no longer works. You will discover what you can do in this session.
What is actually underneath your fear? Are you really that afraid of quitting your job, that presentation in front of a large audience or a first date, or is there an essential, deeper fear underneath, such as fear of rejection?
You have already done a lot of preparatory work in this training. In this session you will really work on getting closer to your goal step by step.
You have already taken significant steps to no longer let fear rule you. In these sessions you will reflect and receive tips on how to proceed.
You now know what fear is and how it characterizes itself, but it can sometimes still be quite a challenge to deal with it in practice. That is why in this session you will practice giving advice to others.
Everyone tackles it in their own way, learn in this session how others deal with fear.
You have completed the entire training. We hope, of course, that the training has given you more clarity and guidance. Perhaps the training has stirred up emotions or you would like to talk to your loved one. In this last session you conclude with a reflection exercise.
Dealing with fear and regaining courage
- How fear works in your body and brain
- Overcome your fear with a personal step-by-step plan
- Remove feelings of panic with practical tools
- What brave goals are and how they help you gain courage