Understand depression better
In collaboration with psychiatrists Joeri Tijdink &
Christiaan Vinkers
Can be followed wherever and whenever you want, at your own pace
Training Understanding depression better
Contents of this online training
It is not always noticeable, but for people with depression, getting through an ordinary day is often a very difficult task. In this session more about recognizing depression.
If you have suffered from depression, you know how much impact it has on you. People sometimes describe depression as if they see the whole world through gray, black glasses. In this session you will discover more about it from yourself and from an expert.
Gloomy, exhausted and irritable: depression and burnout seem very similar at first glance. But what are the actual differences? And what about the relationship between depression and anxiety? In the video Christiaan explains.
What is the influence of a traumatic event on the development of depression? Is it hereditary? And are our busy, stressful lives making us more depressed than before? In this session we consider the causes of depression.
What works better for depression: talking about your problems or taking medication? And can another approach, such as mindfulness or 'brain stimulation', also be effective? In this session we discuss the treatment of depression.
Is it possible to cure depression with antidepressants alone? And do these medications actually work for everyone? In this session Christiaan answers frequently asked questions about antidepressants.
Being open about what you are struggling with, finding a better balance and seeking help in time: in this session, psychiatrists Christiaan Vinkers and Joeri Tijdink provide tips that can help you deal better with depression.
Whether you are a partner, parent, friend or family member: when someone you care about is struggling with depression, it is a tough experience. In this session you will receive tips and advice on how you can really be there for others.
Everyone experiences stressful or traumatic events at some point. But can too much stress also make you depressed? And if so, can you do something to recover faster after stress and setbacks?
Once you've been depressed, you're more likely to get depressed again. Psychiatrists Joeri Tijdink and Christiaan Vinkers explain how you can deal with this vulnerability and how loved ones can help.
You now know what depression is and how it characterizes itself, but it can sometimes still be quite a challenge to deal with it in practice. That is why in this session you will practice giving advice to others.
Everyone tackles it in their own way, learn in this session how others deal with depression.
You have completed the entire training. We hope, of course, that the training has given you more clarity and guidance. Perhaps the training has stirred up emotions or you would like to talk to your loved one. In this last session you conclude with a reflection exercise.
In 13 steps
- Better understand depression based on the latest scientific insights
- What first steps you can take to deal better with depression
- What factors influence depression
- How to be there for someone with depression
This is what you get
- Access to 13 varied sessions in the online learning environment of Psychology Magazine
- Practical advice, exercises and background articles
- Inspiring videos with psychiatrists Joeri Tijdink and Christiaan Vinkers
- Incl. insightful depression fact sheet for yourself or those around you
Why this training?
Whether you yourself suffer from complaints that may be related to depression, or you recognize this in someone else: you want to prevent it from getting worse. You may feel powerless when it comes to solving all the unpleasant feelings and thoughts that come with depression. Not looking forward to work, not wanting to meet up with friends, even getting dressed can be quite a challenge.
If you've had it yourself, you may know quite well how to deal with someone else who is experiencing extreme sadness. However, if you have no experience with it, it is quite complicated, because you can quickly get the feeling that someone is not waiting for you, that you are saying everything wrong. Our online training to better understand depression gives you practical tools for this. The training is suitable for you if you experience mild complaints yourself, or if you want to support someone else.
If you want to talk about your depressive feelings and thoughts or are worried about someone, call 113 or visit www.113.nl. This training is intended as a first step to prevent worse or to provide you with understandable information.