Coaching when things get complex
In collaboration with Anne de Jong
Training Coaching when things get complex
Content of this training
To get the most out of the training, you will be asked to recall a case of a difficult one coaching program . You will also meet expert Chantal van der Leest.
In difficult coaching programs there is almost always a vicious circle in which you and your coachee have ended up. Recognizing this is the first step towards change.
You don't quite know what exactly is going on between you and you coachee ? In this session Anne de Jong tells you about the 5 different checks that will help you recognize and explore what is going on between you.
Now that you have a little more insight into what this is coaching process makes it difficult, it is time for reflection. Anne de Jong thinks along with you and talks about one coaching process that she found difficult.
In this session you will learn which interventions you can use in a complex coaching process. In the second part of this session you will apply the knowledge you just learned in an assignment.
After the fourth session you will know how to create a future complex coaching process need to tackle. You will be given 5 more tips and we will discuss the questions those viewers during the live master class have stated.
Turn a difficult coaching process into a success
- Learning to recognize a difficult coaching process
- Discover the cause behind this
- Analyze and reflect on what exactly happened
- Getting movement in a stuck process with the right intervention